Larry And Jane's Super Cool Website
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Modified Air Pump

My dual power supply air pump, you can use either the
cigarette lighter or the battery clamps. Cigarette lighter
fuses often burn out when such air pumps are used. With
this system, you can use it anywhere. And for the safety
asshole, the clamps are insulated (meaning, you are less
likely to short out anything & besides: cars use plastics

Air Pump Phonies

Here, I'm showing 2 different air pump models. One clams to be of much higher pressure, but as you
can clearly see, they are both identical, except that one has a pressure gage attached. By the way:
I never had one with a good working gage, and often the switch goes bad on these pumps. So jumper
the switch when it goes and don't buy the expensive model. Also, open up the casing and spray a
lubricant on it once in a while.


Check Out My Neat Curved Ties
Patent Issued & I'm looking for a



Squirrel Excluder Bird Feeder

Since this design, I've made one change. Instead of the black plastic pipe, which works, I use a 5 gallon paint bucket.
I drill out a 2 " hole in the bottom, centered. Installed over the pole inverted and held up in place using a hose clamp or
whatever works for you, including drilling a horizontal hole for a long nail to fit through. The inverted bucket rocks
back and forth whenever a squirrel attempts to climb on it. The only problem I had with the plastic pipe was that if it got
dirty or had any scratches on it, it allowed the squirrels to hold on and move up.

Modified M16

M16 Rifle keeps you safe below wall.
Another Idea for DARPA.



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Mantua, NJ 08051

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